Automate your communications for a more efficient service
When it comes to contacting your referrals, it's all about efficiency. Our all-in-one solution means you can automate tasks and never miss a beat.

We understand that the amount of time you spend contacting your referrals is often more than you’d like.
And once you’ve made contact, you need to keep in touch at key intervention points, for example the mid or end point of your service. As well as for something as simple as appointment reminders.
As if that wasn’t enough, you’ll no doubt have encountered varying levels of success with various types of contact... responses differ depending on a number of factors.
ReferAll can save you time and money with key features built right in. To see how our customers are benefiting from our communications solution get in touch today.
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Timely contact for new referrals is everything
Research shows the time between the point of referral to successful patient contact directly affects uptake rate.
That’s why we’ve brought letter generation, email and SMS messaging under one roof.
Each attempt you make to contact a referral is logged against their record. And if you need to set a task to remind yourself, we’ve covered that in our Productivity Solution.

Get visibility on high risk referrals
Effective communication within your team is as important as communicating to your referrals.
Our red alert colour-coding is an important feature, which ensures your team don’t miss vital patient information.
Visible in dashboard tasks, within a referral record and in history notes, there is no need to worry about identifying high-risk patients to your colleagues or even sharing simple messaging like “Thursdays are not suitable” for patient X, giving you peace of mind everything is covered.
Powerful features in our Communications Solution – all part of the dynamic ReferAll platform
• Pathway Solution • Productivity Solution • Reporting Solution • Booking Solution
What Our Clients Say

Dan Goodwin
Health and Wellbeing Officer - Broadland District Council
"ReferAll is intuitive and is already saving us so much time, which means we can spend more time helping people in our community.”